Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr.

In Martin Luther King Jr's time, one may say that descrimination was a way of life and a social norm. Little did many people know that one man's dream would lead to not only the end of segregation, but also to giving a multi-racial man the right to become president of our great nation. Martin Luther King's speech was extremely influential, and contributed greatly to changing the minds and hearts of many Americans.

Dr. King did this by using many rhetorical appeals such as patriotism, religion, and history. He used patriotism when he used quotes from not only the declaration of independence and the constitution by saying, ' all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable rights" of "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" and 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal', but also by mentioning the Emancipation Proclamation as being the 'beacon of hope to millions of negro slaves'. He used the rhetorical appeal of religion by including faith and hope in his speech, and also by quoting the bible when he says 'until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream". Finally, Dr. King uses history when he reminds his listeners about their ancestors who were brought to the americas five score years before he made his speech. He spoke about how they were the men and women who's 'symbolic shadow' they stood in.
Martin Luther King Jr. was an amazing and inspirational man who helped our nation grow to be the amazing nation that it now is, segregation free.


  1. Hi Timmery! I hope that you have enjoyed your time in White River by the time that you get to read this. Welcome to our class blog - what a start for you!

    You analyze Dr. King's speech very well and quote directly from it in order to give an overview of what he spoke about. Make sure that when you answer DBQs in the future you mention the name of the document you are discussing - just to give your essay a sharp focus. It's also a good sign that you included the fact that Dr. King's and other peoples' work made it possible for a multi-racial man like Barack Obama to be elected to the Presidency of the United States. In the future all of you will have more content knowledge in US History that will help strengthen your responses to these DBQs - this is a formidable beginning Ms. DiBene! Good work!

  2. Thank you Mr. Parra! and btw, you are the ONLY teacher that has ever spelt my last name right =)


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