AP United States History - NHS

Monday, October 18, 2010
GPS Privacy Issues
The wire was attached to a strange magnetic device that puzzled Afifi and the mechanic. They freed it from the car and posted images of it online, asking for help in identifying it.Two days later, FBI agents arrived at Afifi's apartment and demanded the return of their property. A GPS tracking device now at the center of a raging legal debate over privacy rights.
"By holding that this kind of surveillance doesn't impair an individual's reasonable expectation of privacy, the panel hands the government the power to track the movements of every one of us, every day of our lives," wrote Alex Kozinski, the chief judge of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. A three-judge panel from his court ruled that search warrants weren't necessary for GPS Tracking.
Law enforcement advocates for the devices say GPS can eliminate time-consuming stakeouts with unmarked police cars.
Facebook for Rainbows
"Facebook has taken an important first step in making social media a place where anti-gay violence is not allowed," said Jarrett Barrios, president of GLAAD
Thursday, October 7, 2010
choo choo train!
The tunnel has been under construction since 1993, and upon its scheduled completion at the end of 2017, it will span 35 miles -- the longest rail tunnel on the planet.
The current title belongs to Seiken Tunnel in Japan. Completed in 1988, it stretches 33.49 miles, a large portion of which is underwater. The world-famous Channel Tunnel (aka “the Chunnel”) measures 31.4 miles. While those two tunnels go underwater, the Swiss tunnel will zoom through the Alps, traveling between Zurich and Milan in about two and a half hours.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Private Moment made Public, and a Fatal Jump
Monday, September 27, 2010
Shortage on Lethal injection.
egway scooters= Death
Legendary QB Hall of Famer Dies
No More Counting Sheep!
It's a sailboat! It's a Ship! It's a......Whale Surfer???
I personally am a big fan of animals, especially our whale friends, and these actions may frighten or alarm the whale, but these police are just a tad exaggerated. I'm sure a simple warning to others not to do the same should suffice, but an investigation? As Ms. Hatfield would say, really? Well, its not like they have anything better to do, besides chasing kangaroos. Any opinions my fellow classmates?
Legendary QB George Blanda dies at 83
Longer School Hours???
American students are falling behind some of their foreign counterparts, especially in math and science, and that's got to change, Obama said. Seeking to revive a sense of urgency that education reform may have lost amid the recession's focus on the economy, Obama declared that the future of the country is at stake.
"Whether jobs are created here, high-end jobs that support families and support the future of the American people, is going to depend on whether or not we can do something about these schools," the president said in an interview on NBC's "Today" show.
I agree that students maybe falling behind and we should do something about it but I'm not sure if I agree with longer school hours.
Enemy of The State
Shooting Yesterday
Shortage of Drugs delays Executions in the U.S.
American HIV Problem!
Whether it is gay people or not, CDC estimates that over 1 million people are HIV positive, while only 21% of these people know it. Hopefully we can find a way to help people become more aware of STD's and how to prevent them because the numbers are only getting higher.
Florida Man Murders Wife, Stepchildren, Self; Spares Own Kids
In RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. A man shot and killed his wife and four of his stepchildren and then killed himself, but he spared his two biological children. There were 7 children in the house when Patrick Dell his wife and her four children. A 15 year old is recovering in the hospital and two of his biological kids were with relatives. He had a restraining order against his wife and was getting a divorce. He had already tried to kill his wife before but failed to do so. There was a police officer checking the neighborhood when he heard some gun shots and he then saw Dell come out of his house and shot himself. Dells two biological children were lucky to have been with relatives because if they would have been there they would probably be dead.
Never Lose Hope
'Titanic' Star Gloria Stuart dies at 100
I find it absolutly amazing that she lived a long and happy life, she didnt believe in sickness so she didn't let having cancer bug her. Now i see that any thing is possible abd if she can recieve an academy award nomination at 87 years old well, that just gives me the modivation to follow my own dreams. I guess you are never to old to accomplish what you always dream about. What do you think?
Man killed over dispute
On Sunday in Valrico, Florida a man was shot over a skateboard dispute. A male neighbor who lives close to a park came outside to complain about skateboarders in the area. The victim David James defended the skateboarders and began an argument with the other man. As David walked away the other man pull out a gun. David James trying to protect everyone tried to take the gun from the other man. As the men grappled over the gun, it went off, killing James, according to investigators. David James 8 year old daughter was with him and called her mother for help. The older man stayed at the scene and when the police came he was taken for questioning. The shooter was released Sunday night based on the primary investigation. No charges will be filed until detectives finish their review of the evidence.