Greetings everyone!
In addition to reading Chapter 3 of the American Nation textbook for homework, I need for you to read the short article provided in THIS LINK.
This article deals with John Peter Zenger who, you may recall, published articles comparing the governor of New York to a monkey resulting in the closure of his printing press. The ensuing lawsuit established freedom of the press in the 13 colonies that would form the original 13 US States.
For the last part of this week's blog assignment, it is your mission to:
1. Read the short article
2. Students with the last name A-L will provide a short summary and a short reflection making the connection between the Zenger case and current issues pertaining to freedom of the press (e.g., specific examples of how it has protected society in recent years [investigative reporting], or how it has been restricted [ban on press access to coffins of killed US troops 2001-2009])
3. Students with the last name M-Z will make a response comment to those original posts published by your classmates. Respond by stating what YOU felt about the Zenger case and to what extent you agree with the original poster and WHY (using the types of examples mentioned in #2). These response comments must amount to at least 1 paragraph.
The deadline for this assignment is 11:59 PM on Monday, Sept. 20, 2010. Please shoot me an email if you have any questions!
PS: The John Peter Zenger assignment is the only blog work you need to do this weekend!
Type your questions about the assignment here! :D