Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Puritans Influence

Puritans, one of the first European settlers to come to America. The puritans left England and went to the Americas in search for Religious Freedom. The Puritans went to New England colonies, once they settled they separated themselves from the rest of the people there to create the perfect Christian colony. The puritans influenced the political, social, and economic development of the New England colonies.

The Puritans were a strictly religious people that had their own rules about their church and life it self. The Puritans would follow the bible and they would follow every thing from it. If one of their people is to go to another church or if they don't attend church they were put in jail. If you had your opinion about the church and its practices and you believed in something else you would be kicked out of the town. This was the case of Roger Williams, he was chased out of the town because he believed in something else. He went off and he established Rhode Island and a women followed him Anne Hutchenson with 11 kids.

The family rules were pretty simple yet strict, the father was the man of the house and what ever he said went. Then second in charge was the mother she was in charge of the children, she would teach them the basics like reading and writing which greatly influenced people. The boy is to go to school and help his father as soon as he gets back. While the mom teaches the daughter how to make her own clothes and cook. Socially the puritans could not have fun they thought instead of fun they can work proving their time worth while. If the children disobey the parents have the right to kill them with rocks.

The puritans didn't think that money was important. In Document J: John Higginson: "New England is originally a plantation of religion not a plantation of trade." Puritans were not interested in money at all they believe that religion is whats important. They also believed that if you were rich you would not go to heaven.This is how the puritans influenced the economic development of the colonies.

The Puritans influenced many thing in the New England Colonies. They influenced in social,political, and economic development. With out the Puritans we woulld not be living how we do now or even simpler we would not be here. That is what the Puritans did for the Americas and its colonies.

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